It has been proven that adverts including rental fees receive more inquiries and bookings. Therefore, effective immediately, you are required to include your rental fees in your adverts. In order to calculate rental fees, potential holiday makers refer to the data you have placed in the ‘prices’ menu on your host page. Our ads administration has now created the option for you to add a basic price, as well as the seasonal price. Thus, we now request you to enter the basic price on all your adverts. Below you will find all the essential relevant information.
What is a basic price?
The basic price is valid for all bookable days and is the basis on which potential guests calculate rental fees. If you want to add additional fees other than the basic price, you can enter these as usual as season prices. When you enter your season months, this overrides your basic price for the time period you have entered. The basic price is only used to calculate rental fees when you have not entered a timeframe for season prices.
We suggest: If you receive bookings far in advance and want in-season prices to apply (instead of your basic price), then we recommend you set your in-season timeframe 24 months ahead of time and make sure it is regularly updated.
Why are we introducing a basic price option?
Over the past years, we have learned that objects with current, reliable rental fees receive more inquiries and lead to bookings more often. By introducing a basic price-option, we increase our portal’s quality while giving all hosts the same chance at inquiries and bookings.
Where can I set my basic rental fees?
In season
Once the basic price has been set, gaps may occur between the various in-season timeframes. Please note: If your basic prices do not apply between seasons, then it is important that you set individual prices for these time periods to avoid any gaps. Don’t forget, when you set the dates for a new season, make sure your new season’s date always begins on the last day of the previous season.
Let’s say your in-season rental fees are valid from October 16, 2019 to January 4, 2020. Interested guests apply these fees when calculating a stay at your property. As of January 4, 2020 your basic rental fees apply.
Not available
Not every object is available for guests year-round. Until now, you could set these times as unavailable under prices in your host settings and these times would be automatically transferred to your calendar, avoiding unnecessary inquiries.
Logically, we have now removed this option from prices and set it directly in your booking calendar. Subsequently, you can now block certain dates as unavailable directly in your calendar. If you have already marked dates as unavailable in your prices settings, they will automatically be transferred to your calendar. To clearly see the difference, unavailable times are called blocked and are marked grey.
If you want to make any changes in your unavailable/blocked dates, simply open your booking calendar in the host settings and make your desired changes directly in the calendar or under your mybookings settings.
Do you have any questions?
You can contact us by phone from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone number +49 30 609 891 44 (local rate) Or via e-mail to:
Julia gehört zum Team von und ist in den Bereichen Support und Marketing tätig. Das Fernweh plagte Sie schon früh. Deswegen hat sie sich auch für ein Tourismusstudium entschieden. Ob als Mitarbeiterin eines Reiseveranstalters oder als Reiseleitung: Sie hatte schon immer große Freude daran, Urlaubshungrige dabei zu unterstützen, ihren persönlichen Traumurlaub zu finden und zu erleben.
Täglich steht sie in engem Kontakt mit Vermietern sowie Urlaubern und hat dabei stets ein Ohr am Markt. Die Erfahrungen und Informationen aus erster Hand gibt sie gerne im Ratgeber „Vermietertipps“ weiter.
Als Mutter weiß sie die Vorzüge eines Ferienhauses besonders zu schätzen. Hat doch hier jedes Familienmitglied seinen Raum zur persönlichen Entfaltung. Dabei reist sie am liebsten ans Meer, denn ein Tag am Meer gibt ihr ein Gefühl von unendlicher Freiheit.